Keyword: public goods
He Who Pays the Piper (2/27/2007)
How on-the-air radio is indirectly funded affects the quality of radio programming as a public good.
Keywords: ads, commercial, consumption rivalry, donations, free rider, free-rider, fund raising, fund-raising, indirect funding, public goods, public radio, quality programming, sponsorship
Market Intervention and Regulation (7/7/2006)
Market regulation may be justified under some circumstances to increase economic efficiency.
Keywords: antitrust, asymmetric information, commons goods, cost effectiveness, intervention, lemons, market, pollution, prescription drugs, public goods, Regulation
Premium from Freemium (12/30/2014)
Free public goods with close to zero marginal cost could profit from partial excludability.
Keywords: consumption rivalry, digital goods, excludability, freemium, premium, private goods, public goods
Private Goods vs Public Goods (11/2/2011)
Public goods cannot or do not exclude non-paying users and your consumption does not reduce others' consumption.
Keywords: consumption rivalry, excludability, private goods, public goods
Private goods vs. public goods (transcript) (3/27/2007)
Narrated lecture on the difference between private goods and public goods. Demand schedules for private goods and public goods are generated using Flash animation.
Keywords: aggregate demand curve, excludability, horizontal summation, marginal utility, market demand curve, private goods, public goods, rivalry, tax, vertical summation
There Are no Widgets - Types of Goods (7/7/2006)
The law of supply and demand applies differently depending on the exact types of goods.
Keywords: capacity, closed-standard goods, complementary goods, durable goods, first-party payment goods, independently-used goods, inferior goods, innovative products, mature products, networked goods, normal goods, open-standard goods, Perishable goods, price discrimination, private goods, public goods, replacement, single pricing, substitute goods, third-party goods, widgets